Female stereotyping is one of the most common stereotyping seen in media. There are four basic stereotypes that females fall into: the femme fatale, the supermom, the sex kitten and the nasty corporate climber. In addition to these four categories, television, film and magazines have also given a portrayal of females as thin, white and always looking glamorous.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Female Stereotyping and Gender Role Expectations

Children start learning about gender roles at a very young age. Gender role association is a complex process involving an individual’s family experience, cultural conditioning, and education. It is this association that shapes how people cognitively assess and create social reality and also highlights the male-female differences in the way people dress, express emotion, sexual desire, generally the way they view their role in society.
Media plays a large role in gender role association. In a study that applied the cognitive heuristics theory to the study of gender role stereotyping it was seen that advertising is one of the many contributors to gender role association. Research shows that while female stereotypes may not enforce the sale of a product, it does they encourage females to relate to these socially constructed images of females by creating the acceptable female role. This psychological identification process also happens when females look at gender roles occurs in textbook and literature role models but even more so with role models in television shows and movies.

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